Exclusive Experience
Luxury Treatments


  • Signature Hydrafacial: $215 ~ 30 minutes

    The Signature Hydrafacial uses patented technology to address your skin concerns. You will notice visibly clean skin, improved tone+texture, and experience youthful, plump, hydrated skin. This is a great option for Men, but also a great treatment facial for those short on time, or for those just starting out on their healthy skin journey.

  • Luxe Hydrafacial: $250 ~ 45 minutes

    The Luxe Hydrafacial comes with a customized booster that is infused into the skin on a cellular level. The booster is a highly concentrated active booster that ensures solving whatever skin challenge you may be concerned with. Topped with the LED, which boost your ATP(energy in your skin cells) for recovery, healing and product penetration. Lastly minerals, vitamins, and hydration are infused back into the Dermis leaving you with a youthful glow.

    *manual extractions are performed if there is a need at no additional cost

  • Platinum Hydrafacial: $375 ~ 75 minutes

    The complete Hydrafacial experience! Starts with the opening of your Lymphatic System followed up with the lymphatic machine to move toxins out of the face. Lymphatic drainage contours the face, boost your immune system, and feels heavenly. There are numerous amounts of medical benefits of lymphatic drainage.

    Double cleanse of face, neck & decolletage. Using the Vortex patented technology the Hydrafacial does a deep cleansing removing make-up, nicotine, & any impurities out of the pores within the skin. Prep the skin for extractions with a medical resurfacing peel prep, perform extractions & neutralize the pH of the skin in order to prevent any down time. A customized booster is infused followed by LED advanced technology that boost your ATP, which is what gives your cells energy.

    A hand and arm massage is performed during this time while you relax. Lastly the minerals, vitamins, & hydrating solution is infused in your face, neck, & décolletage.

  • Customized Facial: $130 ~ 1 hour
    A relaxing hands on facial that is more your traditional facial. This facial is a great option for preventative aging, but also for the ages 20-30.

    All the products used in this facial are pharmaceutical, which means they have a higher concentration of active ingredients to treat internally as well as externally.

    All skincare products used in the facial are customized to your skin type, concerns, & challenges that may be occuring.

    Experience a deep cleanse, steam with herbs+an exfoliation, hand & arm massage, extractions, mask with face massage, wrapping the facial up with antioxidants+sunscreen

    *add on neck+decllotage for $20, or LED @$30 for healing, calming, & repairing

  • Express Facial: $65 ~ 30 minutes

    If your skin needs a boost but you’re short on time, this facial is for you!

    In just 30 minutes, you’ll receive a deep cleansing, exfoliation of dead skin cells, face steaming, and a hydration masque. -no extractions, massage, or LED performed

    *best cocktailed with a dermaplan add on for $45

  • Mini Me Facial: $30 ~ 30 minutes

    * For little ones 10 and under*

    Let your mini me experience relaxation with this facial. It includes a deep cleansing, exfoliation, steaming, and masque.

  • Dermaplane: $65 ~ 30 minutes
    An aggressive exfoliation that removes a couple layers of dead skin as well as any peach fuzz on the epidermis of the skin.

    + Add dermaplane to any facial for a $45 up charge

  • Face Reality Acne Treatment- $150 ~ 45 minutes

  • Scalp Facial- $175~45 minutes Healthy Scalp = Healthy Hair

    Experience the deep cleansing of the scalp performed by the cutting edge Vortex technology patented by Hydrafacial

    Great for problematic scalp, oily, the dry shampoo users and everyone who wants healthy, beautiful locks. Your scalp is an extension of your skin. If the hair follicle is clogged proper circulation, oxygen, and nutrients cannot get into the hair bulb resulting in thinning hair, poor scalp health and balding as you age. This treatment is not only a must have experience, but the results are amazing plus it is nearly impossible to stay awake during this service.

    *Keravive Peptide & Growth Factor Scalp Treatments are also available for scalp infusion for those who are already struggling with balding. The before & After pictures speak for themselves


Jessner Resurfacing: $225

This chemical peel targets aging skin, sun damage, texture, melasma, large pores, fine lines/wrinkles-let's FACE it..one of my most favorite recommended treatments to give and receive! The chemicals used remove the top layer of skin cells from the epidermis & upper portion of the dermis. It does require some down time meaning you will be shedding your skin like a snake does(3-7 days) The end result far out weigh the downtime. Your face will thank you! *some clients peel more than others, it depends on the health and thickness of your skin*

Clarity Acne: $175  

This treatment has plant derived stem cell technology that inhibits p.acne bacteria, reduces blemishes, redness, post breakouts, detoxifies, treats & heals acne + blemishes. Great for teenage acne, blackheads, athletes, and oily/congested skin *clients do not commonly have any peeling with this chemical peel*

TCA: $ 325

The absolute golden standard of chemical resurfacing. TCA is among the most effective chemical peels available. You can expect softer fine lines and wrinkles, glowing skin, better texture, and lifting of sun damage. Turn back the clock and expect healthy glowing skin *there is downtime, or peeling*


“This service is a must-have! If you have never had an eyebrow tint or lash tint, it is a game changer!”

Eyebrow tint: $25

Eyelash tint: $30

Eyebrow tint + wax: $40  


Full Face: $60

Side Burns: $25

Eyebrow: $20

Nose: $15

Lip: $15

Chin: $15

Underarm: $25

Lower Leg: $65

Half Arm: $45

Bikini: $40

Partial Brazilian: $55

Brazilian: $75



Keravive is an exclusive, luxury, relaxing treatment designed to deep cleanse, stimulate, nourish, and hydrate the scalp using the Hydrafacial vortex technology. The treatment extracts dirt, oil, and impurities from the scalp, and stimulates and nourishes the scalp/hair follicles with growth factors and skin proteins (scalp health from the inside out).


In office treatments last about 30 minutes, are painless and result driven with no downtime. Malissa performs the service, which includes an infusion into the hair follicle with growth factors and skin proteins. The treatment includes a 30 day take-home product that you spray + manipulate into your scalp for optimal results.

*special package pricing when purchased in a series of 3 or more.

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